Friday, September 7, 2007

Technology in the Classroom

It's not logical to have a classroom without technology today and computers have become central to this technology. Maybe this dates me...but I remember when the only technology in the classroom was a film projector. The teachers would always have a hard time loading the film reels and the sound would never be in sync with the picture! I am hoping that a class like Communications and Technology would prevent problems like that from happening today. Like I have stated before, computers are an invaluable resource and in my discipline, specifically, there are many ways to include technology, for example, is a website dedicated to art blogs. In my university classes, I have seen professors change just recently from slide projectors to a laptop or flash drive and projector when showing art pictures. The requirements in art have also changed to include Media Arts I for a combined Art/Art Education degree. All of these changes are further integrating technology and education... changes that I don't see slowing down anytime soon!

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